Holy crap, this year has come to an end in a quick hurry! Like all of a sudden. It seems like the appropriate time to do an end-of-year post, but I don't really feel like it. I'm not feeling introspective and I'm not making a bunch of resolutions, so it just doesn't really feel like that would be a good post to write or read.
Instead, I would like to talk about how small my cat's head is. Seriously, you guys, it's tiny. She looks like a seal. Big round body; bitty, little head. And then these giant eyes. She sounds kind of creepy when I describe her like that, but she's really not, she's just terribly unfortunately proportioned. She's actually cute. Angie describes her as grand. It's fitting.
Also, I would like to talk about what a fucking nutjob Sarina is. I know this doesn't really come as a shock to anyone, but sometimes it just needs to be said. Sometimes people might wonder if she's truly crazypants or if it's just an act - I'm here to tell you that girlfriend is beyond batshit. Of course, I should also say that I love her more than anything else. Well, not more than waffles, but a LOT.
Oh and not related to anything, I got a calendar for Christmas. It's called "3,650 things to be happy about.", so you can all just pretty much COUNT on that shit getting sprinkled around the joint when I have nothing good for No Whining Wednesdays. Here's an example of what EVERY page is like:
- an owl hooting
- milk with your meal
- an unexpected job offer
- the patience to untangle a knot
- finger painting
- helping out a neighbor
- the vocabulary of pasta shapes
- conserving electricity
- stories behind photographs
- relishing the preparations
In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm just babbling at this point and I have no idea how to finish this, so I'm just going to wish you all a happy No Whining Wednesday and ask if you have any big New Year's Eve plans or resolutions?